How do i join a self-management group?
Check on the website to determine the group's location, day, and time of the group you are interested in attending and register for the meeting wish to attend. You will be directed to JANEAPP and must register for each monthly meeting. Once registered you will receive meeting reminders and a Zoom link for virtual meetings.
what happens at a pain self-management group?
- Groups comfort agreements are provided.
- Check-in - typically in the past month what has worked for you.
- Education topic - Is either a guest speaker, video, or facilitated led discussion on evidence based educational subject relating to the needs of the group.
- Check-out - how do you see using the information from today topic over the next month
- 5 to 10 minute meditation, relaxation session
your first meeting
At your first meeting, you will be welcomed by the group facilitator.
if i miss a meeting how does affect the process?
Not a problem as this is a self-management program and you are welcome to join when possible and topic meets your needs.
is there a cost to attend a pain self-management group?
No. Our meetings are free.
Support person
If you have a support person/ caregiver they are always welcome to join the meetings.
our meetings
Meetings are typically:
- Once a month
- One-Two hours in length, during the meeting you can sit, stand, walk around, lay down or whatever makes you comfortable.
- We send out email reminders ahead of each meeting.
- We encourage you to bring a support person (someone who helps you with your daily activities) with you. It's not mandatory however the option is there should you want to.
- We encourage pain self-management.
- We discourage sitting around and complaining about one's pain.
our group Facilitators
PIPN facilitators are also people living with pain. They are trained in meeting facilitation, Brief Action Planning, and SMART goal setting.
Our Board
Our board is made up of 80% people with persistent pain. Ensuring our pain self-management group members are provided with a safe environment to:
- Encouraging growth
- Education.
- Opportunities to have social activities.
- A place to share your struggles and successes.
- A place to help build your new normal.
- Peer leaders are volunteers who coordinate regular scheduled meetings for those who live with persistent pain.
- Peer leaders will strive to provide positive meetings that create connections, provide a welcoming, comfortable environment, and promote networking and learning.
- Peer leaders will strive to communicate with empathy, honesty and compassion.
Is this similar to a six week course?
No, a Pain Self-Management Group Meeting is not a time-limited course. It is an on-going (monthly meetings) educational opportunity for people with persistent (chronic) pain to learn how to rebuild their life and successfully manage the pain.
The group will help you to find ways:
The group will help you to find ways:
- Greater understanding how to manage your pain
- Benefits of practicing mindfulness techniques in pain management
- Reduce your isolation
- Increase your activities levels
- Help you to communicate with your medical team, family, and friends etc
Contact us for an application form, peer leaders guidelines and information on peer leaders training.
While we're here to support you, please understand that we can't provide personalized medical advice or treatment recommendations. If you're seeking guidance for your specific situation, we recommend reaching out to a healthcare professional who can offer personalized assistance.
PEOPLE IN PAIN NETWORKRegistered Non-Profit Charity in 2021